Issue 84, July/Aug 1993
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Issue Contents
- Editors log, Jeff Phillips
- King of the Mississippi, Jerry Smith
- Pilot boat Sandy Hook, Ken Schuetz
- Stain properties of wood, Jeff Phillips
- Changing perspectives on ship model kits, Neil R Anderson
- Scratch building USS San Francisco Part 3, Ray Crean
- A framing tool for under $35, Robert Gibson
- USS Gato, Building the SS-212 In 1:178 scale Part 2, Ken Hart
- A one tenth pint sized submarine tender, Charles Hand
- U.S. Brig Niagara cruises on Lake Erie Again Part 3, Bob Malcomson
- Wasa The decorated man of war, Anlaches Asdarjian
- Comment & controversy letters to the editor
- From the forecastle
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