Issue 78, July/Aug 1992
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Issue Contents
- Editors log, Jeff Phillips
- A Picture is worth a thousand words and a thousand hours, Bob Miller
- Billing Boats HMS Bounty, Jeffrey Hutter Sr.
- Cosenz An R/C adaptaion of an Italian Destroyer of the 1930's, John Heinz
- The replica of HMS Rose, Charles A Hand Jr.
- Real world sailing, Russell T Sova
- A cradle jig for Plank-on-Frame modelers, Stephen Gilbert
- Building Soviet Victors in 1/700 scale, Don Meadows
- Shop hints Holding planks firmly against frames, Frederick J Hebdon
- Bismark Before and after, Joseph Raubar
- A plank tapering vice, Al Schairbaum
- HMS St. Lawrence scratch build as an admirality model Part 3, Bob Makcomson
- Building the sixth rate HMS Lyme Part 2, Lionel C Meeker
- Three of a kind - Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria Part 1, Warren Brimblecom
- Comment & controversy letters to the editor
- From the forecastle
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