Issue 56, Nov/Dec 1988
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Issue Contents
- Editors log, Jeff Phillips
- Rigging the Sovereign of the Seas, Robert A Dybas
- The civil war faught from down under, Keryn Riddle
- The King George V Part 1, Dennis Moore
- In search of the Chinese Junk, Richard Tornello
- The Aesthetics of the ship models, Clay Chesney
- The Canadian fishing schooner Bluenose in a bottle Part 2, John Fox III
- Six-Bitters Versus Rum Runners, Joseph J Gudonis
- The art of the diorame Book review
- The merchant schooners Book review
- Scale model ships Book review, Jeff Phillips
- Mystic publishes Bibliography supplement Book review
- NIP Books enlighten reading Book review, Don Meadows
- The last Gentleman-of-War Book review, Dennis Moore
- Latin American, A Naval History Book review, Jeff Phillips
- Flagship Niagara off the ways, Jeff Phillips
- Comment & controversy: letters to the editor
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