Issue 55, Sept/Oct 1988
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Issue Contents
- Editors log, Jeff Phillips
- H I J M S Myoko Part 2, Dennis Moore
- A French Tartane of 1810, James L Stokesbury
- East meets west - the first and last, Dave Page
- Shop hints Tips to help your modeling, Abe Taubman
- A case for and against imported kits, John E Hilsher
- The Canadian fishing schooner Bluenose in a bottle Part 1, John Fox III
- A Tour of Great Lakes' museums, Julie C Wickland
- Suggestions on cleaning your model, Milton Roth
- Iowa Class Battleship Winsconsin Set to be launched again, Jeff Phillips
- Planking techniques for model ship builders Book review, Jeff Phillips
- The ship of the German fleets, 1884 - 1945 Book review, Dennis Moore
- Fast Sailing ships, Their design and constructiopn, 1775 - 1875
- Book review, Don Meadows
- Six Galleons for the king of spain Book review, John Heinz
- Sermos R/C snap connectors Product review, Randy Schmitz
- Glouster clipper fishing schooners Book review, Don Meadows
- Fly tying vice comes ion handy Product review, David Charles
- North America's Maritime Museums Book review, Jeff Phillips
- How to model small boats Book review, Don Meadows
- Comment & controversy: letters to the editor
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