Issue 3, Jan/Feb 1980
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Issue Contents
- Editors log Ron G Schmidt
- The Danneborg: Our plastic expert try's a new medium, Phil Jensen
- Mystic Seaport Reflection of a maritime heritage, Marypat Kiff
- Notes on color of ships Courtesy the fife rail Nautical research Society of Chicago
- Building Sergal's Sovereign An Interesting though expensive challenge, Dr. Milton Roth
- Hudson river sloops Shallow draft centreboarders, D L McCalip
- Big fish in a small pond 1004-foot lakes ships, Scottie Dayton
- LIL Duwamish Constructing running gear and fire apparatus, Norm Burbine
- A Homeostat revisited, Eric A R Ronneberg Jr.
- The Zwarte Zee Super tug, Ron G Schmidt
- Basic tools: Drafting tools, Woodworking tools, Adhesive tools, Rigging tools, Handy glue applicator, by John Heinz
- Down to sea in ship, Scottie Dayton
- St. Ninian revisited Saint to sinner, Scottie Dayton
- Comment & controversy Letters to the editor
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